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Sunday, April 8, 2012


Anisha Bi

THE Fame Game was in evidence once more for the Great White Sharks, Fiveways and Wall cricket clubs and Birmingham sport today when Salma Bi and her sister Anisha Bi appeared on Sky TV.
The two sporting females were guests on Noor TV (Sky 819) where they were interviewed in depth on their sports careers by excellent presenter Ahmed Boston.
This was the latest in a series of TV, radio, internet and newspaper appearances for Salma, who in recent times has been interviewed by Sky Sports and a number of radio stations about her involvement with the Women's Futsal Marathon and T10 World Cup ladies cricket tournament at the Birmingham International Futsal Arena.
Salma is now very much a media personality and is in line for more big publicity as she has been nominated in the Sports category at the Asian Women Achievement Awards to be held in London in May.
Personal fame is not the important thing to Salma - it is the opportunity to promote sport and encourage more women's involvement in sport on an increasingly wider scale.

Salma Bi

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