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Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Saddi, Salma and Aisha

OVER the past two years sportswoman Salma Bi has staged a T10 World Cup Indoor cricket tournament for women.
This year she will go one better by staging TWO T10 events - one for women and one for men.
Sporting Pathways co-founder Salma works tirelessly delivering excellence in her projects.
She is an award winner and county cricketer who has nothing but cricket on her mind.
Recently she successfully hosted the second annual Women’s World Dodge Ball 2014 and this year Salma is looking forward to hosting the 7th sporting event of its kind - the Indoor T10 Cricket World Cup.
The 2012 Women’s World Cup winners were T10 England led by captain Salma and last year’s champions were T10 Australia.
This year, ‘wait for it’, Mad Productions proudly present not only the Women's T10 Event but also the Men’s first ever T10 Cricket World Cup in history.
This will surely be a challenge but who more loves taking the risks and doing what’s never been attempted before than sporting ambassador Salma.
Salma, who recently married Sohail Mughal, proves nothing stops here. In fact both husband and wife are now engaging more opportunities for their local community.
Focusing on participants getting involved nationally, both Salma and Sohail have chosen READ Foundation UK as the charity to benefit from this latest sporting event.
READ (Rural Education and Development) Foundation has been implementing educational and welfare projects in the developing world since 1994.
A registered charity in the UK, READ Foundation originally started work in Pakistan and Kashmir where it runs 340 schools educating 80,000 children, employing 4,000 teachers and looking after 8,000 orphans, making it one of the largest educational NGOs of rural Pakistan.
Sohail Mughal, who works for READ Foundation Pakistan as a sports teacher and administrator, mentions: "It’s our way of showing appreciation. We want to encourage and leave a sporting passion in the chosen school and try our best to help and support has much as we can.
"We want to inspire the children and through sport we can leave something for them to enjoy and remember."
The READ School which Sohail had worked at since 2008, initially started with only 10 children and now has grown to educate 150 youngsters.
The issues of concern are with renovation of the building and that it's too small.
Sohail would like to see an extension to the school which looks after the need of poor and orphan children.
The school is financially struggling and his fears are that the school will close.
We look forward to visiting the school in April 2014 and  present the contributions raised through generous donors and supporters.
It’s just a small step on our part but we've approached READ Foundation UK to help us make this possible and a success.
The fundraising event organised, Indoor T10 Cricket World Cup will be very special for both Salma and Sohail and bring much needed support to the poor and orphan children which Read Foundation help to support.
Living in a sporting family Salma has earned this status with sister Aisha Bi and Anisha Bi and now is looking forward to carrying this legacy this time with her husband. 
Indoor T10 Cricket World Cup 2014 is scheduled to go ahead on April 5 and 6, 2014.
Consisting of eight-a-side teams for both men and women, Sporting Pathways look forward in welcoming all abilities, new talent and as always raising profiles of each individual that does take part. Post event participants will be updated with event report and video footage.
Sporting Pathways are delighted to support Read Foundation and look forward to bringing more great news as the events unfold.
We are looking for sponsors and appreciate all the generous support that is available.
Please feel free to make donations to Sporting Pathways Halifax Bank plc.  Sort code: 111107 Account Number: 10933664.
The Women's Event will sign up 4 Teams - ENGLAND AUSTRALIA PAKISTAN AND INDIA

All Funds are going towards building a School i.e focus on building a secure roof, paintwork, library, computer room and a dedicated sports facility.

Twitter @Falmersalma

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