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Sunday, January 15, 2012

WHAT IS BELIEVE IN M.A.D (Making A Difference)?

BELIEVE IN M.A.D is a new coaching organisation launched by Birmingham cricketer Salma Bi.
It will be run by Salma and other paid coaches to raise awareness of girls/women’s cricket and disability cricket.
Salma's plans are twofold...
She will stage an indoor National T10 Tournament for girls aged 14+ in Birmingham on April 28, 2012, which will be open to players from all over the UK.
It will be played in a World Cup format with each team representing a country. It is hoped 12 teams will take part in two groups of six, playing each other on a round-robin basis before the competition whittles down to the quarter-finals, semi-finals and final.
For any more information on the tournament, or with offers of sponsorship, please write to
In the long-term Salma and her co-founder Khalid Siddique have plans to open an indoor cricket centre with nets, T10 league games and coaching facilities in the Birmingham area. 
Salma says: "We want to break the barriers of Asian girls limited to playing cricket outside of educational hours and give them the access to achieve goals and Make A Difference in a safe and suitable place provided."
This blog will feature regular updates on M.A.D (Making A Difference) progress as well as cover Salma's other cricketing adventures of which there will be many in the months ahead.

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